Juxtapozed Magazine, 2003

The Golden Age of Grotesque
Jesse Hernandez

Marilyn Manson has built a career on shocking people with his music and appearance, but now, on the verge of releasing his next record, he's shocked the world with a new revelation: he happens to be a hell of a painter. Jesse Hernandez revels in the Golden Age.

Do you hang out with other artists?

Marilyn Manson:
About a year ago, I hooked up with Gottfried Helnwein, and he and I have been working together on various projects that, again, cross the boundaries between photography, painting, film, and installation. It's part of what I'm going to unleash and put into effect as the next couple of months unfold. It's stuff that people dont get to see anymore; it's stuff that happened in the '30s, '40s, '50s and even the '60s with the Panic Movement and Action. Gottfried really pushes the envelope, not just for shock value but for the betterment of art, to make people want to have style because they like it, not because they want to impress other people, to want to be creative because it feeds them and it makes them exist.

For full interview with pictures, click here: http://www.helnwein.com/presse/international_press/artikel_732.html